Musing, mutterings and music: the blog

Another Beauty Shanks at McCranks 

We had another amazing time at this edition of Shanks At McCranks this past Sunday!
Folks came out in droves, heard some awfully fine live music and donated generously. And I’d say the inaugural side ‘Page Stage’ went over pretty well. ;)
Susan O and I strumming some tunes on the Page Stage.
It was super fun dueting with my pal Susan O again while catching sets from incredible local artists.
Thanks to everyone for the support and for donating to the Parkdale Food Centre. We raised over $4,000 this year. No kidding. Cheers to the Shanks at McCranks team!

Patrick and Peter of Shanks at McCranks! $4000 is a new record for this amazing fundraiser for the Parkdale Food Centre. Photo by Tom Fagan.

Bytown Cup Success! 

Just a quick personal note to say thank you so much for taking the time to download my new song 'I've Got You Up My Sleeves' and donate to our fundraising efforts this past weekend.
As part of the Bytown Cup, your generosity helped us raise over $13,000 for the Capital Rainbow Refuge.
And we had a lot of fun doing it. 
I'm looking forward to being a part of this great fundraiser again next year. 

Fun Fun Fundraising 

This weekend I'm playing in a hockey tournament for charity. It's a fun thing we do each year called the Bytown Cup and the organizers pick a charity that we work together to raise funds for. This year's charity is the Capital Rainbow Refuge. 

You can read more details here:

I love this tournament because of its open arms. This isn't your typical hockey tourney, this is about inclusion and encouraging folks who might have always wanted to try hockey to come out and play with us!

Like last year, I recorded a new song and released it on Bandcamp to help with the fundraising. It's a cover of the stone cold Camp Radio classic "I've Got You Up My Sleeves" from the album Campista Socialista. I can say it's a stone cold classic because I wrote it. Ha. Anyway, this version has mellow acoustic underpinnings and all funds raised from its release will go to this weekend's great cause.

Have a listen, click through to Bandcamp and download/donate if you can. 

And as always, thanks for listening and for the Bandcamp support.  


Speaking of fundraising, I'm also once again taking part in a mini-street fest called 'Shanks at McCranks'. 

Those who follow me know I've played this show many times and helped raise funds for the food bank. We're once again raising money for that great cause by setting up and playing sets outside McCranks cycle shop, facing a beautiful park in Hintonburg. 

This year we have two stages and I'm hosting stage #2 (which Patrick Shanks affectionately calls The Page Stage). My friend Susan O and I will play mini-sets on this 'stage' between acts on the main 'Shanks at McCranks' stage.

Circle Sunday June 16th on your calendars and pop by between 3pm and 8pm. There will be drinks, pizza and lots of free live music. And we encourage you to donate of course. :)

Stay punk out there,


Live show! Quinn's in Ottawa March 30th 

In a week I'll be joining John Allaire at his famous 'Allaire Show' over at Quinn's: Saturday March 30th from 3pm - 5pm!
We'll be playing a couple of sets and serving up some fun cover songs. 
Looking forward to finally playing this legendary local matinee!
Hope to see you out for some afternoon music and drinks.

Spotify: Cruising Altitudes 

One of my newer songs ‘Cruising Altitudes’ is now up on Spotify. 

If you use that platform, follow me and you'll be notified of new releases from the weekly Release Radar: 

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