"Decide To Stay And Swim" - the pale ale!

Spark Beer released their new hazy pale ale this past Friday called, "Decide To Stay And Swim".

As some of you know, I played a live-stream set from their parking lot to celebrate this fantastic new beer! For those who didn't catch the live stream, here is the Instagram video of the stream (below) which is much clearer that what was on Facebook for some reason.

Also: I was joking with some pals saying that its always been my dream to be in "Canadian Beer News"! Haha. They did a little bit on Spark, the new pale ale and my album here: https://www.canadianbeernews.com/2020/10/15/spark-beer-releasing-decide-to-stay-and-swim-pale-ale/

So I've got that checked off my music career to-do list. Ha.



Live from the Sparking lot!

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